Khan Academy Review: My first impression of Khan Academy’s
website it was interesting to see the subjects.
I personally am challenged by tutorials.
I actually hate them. I
personally need human contact. I find
answers through conversation and listening to others. Having said that about myself, I wonder how
effective this method would be for persons with disabilities. I would be curious about student responses
from those that have ADD, ADHD, or some form of a learning disability. While I could imagine and encourage students
to use the site, I would also be concerned about those that have concentration
and/or comprehension challenges. This
website could also be considered a blessing for parents that are challenged in
the STEM subjects.
I spent a lot of money and hours for my daughter to receive tutoring. There were many early mornings (before
school) and late nights (evenings with the tutor) waiting for my daughter’s tutoring
sessions to be over. I would encourage
my students to try the website to see if it is something they could benefit
from. It is a great opportunity for
teachers to refer to a resource that could be a tremendous help. I believe that not only could the child learn
but what a confidence and self-esteem builder. This site is also a great tool for college
students, non-traditional students, teachers, and parents.
Do you believe
that Salman Khan is right when he says that in the future, we will rely more on
"credentialing" through the use of online courses? Do you think this
style of education makes learning more accessible for more students? If so,
why? If not, Why? I believe that “credentialing” through the use of online
courses is a reality. I believe that to
be true because schools currently use online courses for students to make-up
course. For instance if a student fails
a math class; he or she will be able to take the same class online to make-up
the loss credits. In this same context,
there are many online schools that people can gain anything from a credential
to a PhD. These courses have grown
tremendously in their popularity. It is
cost effective and allows most people to approach the online learning during
their own time and comfort.
My impression of
Coursera: I had never heard about
Coursera previous to this course. I
personally ignore online courses – although I believe that it is the wave of
the future. These courses are ideal and
brings credibility to this process because of the global partners. Many people would be impressed by someone
that has graduated or taken courses from University of London, University of
Chicago, Duke, Stanford, Princeton, National University of Singapore, and the
University of Tokyo to name a few of the prestigious institutions. As a result of learning about this “opportunity,”
I have signed up for a class of interest.
When you explore
the coursera course offerings, what course looks most interesting to you? There are two course offerings that I found
to be interesting. The first
is Learning How to Learn, offered by University of California; and the second
is Think Again: How to Reason and Argue, offered by Duke. I’m not sure if Professor Brick did this on
purpose BUT after investigating, I signed up for the class Learning How to
Learn! I am very opinionated about
online courses (hate them) but I want to give this one a chance. While taking classes at Columbus State
Community College I was introduced to early childhood cognitive development,
and I fell in love with this subject of the mind and how it works. HEY - YOU TRICKED ME PROFESSOR BREE!! I feel that it is responsible for me to try
out these tools and speak from my personal experience.
Does Columbus
State accept Coursera transfer credits? According to Coursera’s it is up
each institution as to whether or not they will accept college credit for the
courses taken. I could not find on CSCC’s
website if this was something that they do.
I noticed their articulation agreements and do realize that the
counselors will look at transcripts to decide if it fits within the program to
grant credit.
Do Coursera
courses appear to be more challenging or more interesting thank those you've
experienced before? If yes, why? If not, why? Either way, could your opinion
have something to do with WHO is teaching the Coursera courses? I personally do not like online courses because I
am very social. I enjoy hearing the
comments of others (I learn more by hearing rather than viewing blogs). If I have questions about certain areas I
would rather ask a person and have dialog – not blogging my peers for advice. I would find myself multi-tasking (television
on, music on, cooking, eating, texting) rather than focusing on the screen –
regardless. One of the best things about
online learning is that it is up to you and your schedule. I am always cramming stuff into my schedule
and online courses would be even more challenging to make the time rather than
GO to class at a given time on a given day.
The courses and college offerings are not appealing to me
personally. I had a horrible experience
in 2000 with online GRE course and I vowed that I would NEVER take another
Do you think
that MOOCs (massive open online courses) are the "wave of the
future"? How do you think MOOCs might change the way a student like you
would receive their education? I do
believe that MOOCs are a “wave of the PRESENT”!
These online courses are alive and well.
Coursera has brought credibility because of the colleges that are
partnered to teach these courses. I have
two friends that have pursued their PhD and most of their courses were
online. The newest idea is that the
courses are taught and credentials are available for free! I believe that the younger generation is much
more socially conscious and aware of the opportunities that free education can
have on our global economy. For
instance, Mr. Khan’s comments about free universal education for every willing
person everywhere in this world is an example.