Thursday, September 10, 2015

PARENTS: Youth Development Is Important

This blog is specifically designed for parents.  I want to encourage you about your children and them having a bright future!  I am first generation in my family to obtain a college degree ad have children who obtained college degrees.  I never imagined myself as I am today!

I love the area that I have chosen – Youth Development & Youth Work Readiness – because I can personally relate to the students I serve.  Positive experiences can help young in their pursuit of purpose & destiny!   I would like to share why my chosen field is important

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Three Great Educator Websites for Extended Day/After School


The Edutopia Blog has blogs, videos, and articles from educators, community members, and people involved in school districts.  All articles must be screened and approved by Edutopia before submission.  I love the Edutopia website because it has research based activities, articles, and curriculum (download for free).    The blog is high quality and reminds me of the website.  The blog can be an  excellent source for research.

Education Week

Education Week is an online newspaper that covers K-12 education.  The newspaper targets educators (superintendents, administrators, teachers) and community leaders.  Education Week blogs include articles, news, and opinions concerning education issues from preschool through high school transition to college and beyond. Education Week Blogs are extensive and divided by topics: Politics & Policy; Technology, Industry & Innovation; Research; International Perspective; P-16 Curriculum; Educating Specific Populations;  Teaching Profession; Leadership; Health & Wellness; Parents & Community; Books & Photos; Careers; Charters and School Choice;  Books & Photos; Careers; and Charters and School Choice.  I chose this site because of the extensive topics and high quality articles. The blog provides up-to-date information that is relevant and  I can use in when planning after school programs & activities.

Connecticut After School Network

The Connecticut After School Network is a collaborative of individuals and organizations that promote the safety, healthy development and learning outside the traditional classroom. They provide training and technical assistance to improve program quality; influence policy on behalf of youth and families; and expand funding opportunities. Like Connecticut, Ohio’s Afterschool Network also makes high-quality, age appropriate information, technical assistance, and advocating for practitioners, parents and children.  I am currently a member of the Ohio After School Network which does not have a blog.  I found excellent articles as well as links to blogs that have the same focus.


My name is Jackie Kemp.  I was born and raised in Hartford, Connecticut.  I spent 21 years of active service in the U.S. Army and retired in October 2001.   I have over 30 years of progressive experience in workforce development, program/project management, youth development, human resources, consulting and training.  I am a lifelong youth volunteer.  As a result of my volunteerism, I am the founder & Executive Director of Lead The Way Learning Academy.

Lead The Way Learning Academy is a non-profit youth development and youth work readiness agency.  We empower disabled and disadvantaged youth to take a meaningful place in the 21st Century workplace by providing youth development and youth work readiness programs & activities.  We serve youth in grades K-12.

According to the Oxford Dictionaries, an educator is “a person whose job is to teach or educate people.”  I have no desire to be a teacher on the “front line," however, my programming and activities are an extension or supplement to the extended school day.   Therefore, my primary goal as an educator is to offer opportunities (services & activities) that will that assist inner city, underrepresented, underserved, and disabled youth to become self-sufficient, productive members of society.